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2/13/2024: Valentine's event rerun, Valentine's battle pass, Fragment of Seren, more!
Hey Etherealians,

Today's update brings a few new things and some needed QoL and bugfixes; the most important ones being the new battle pass system and a new donator boss, the Fragment of Seren! Let's dive right in!

Battle Pass - Valentines' Season

We finally have a battle pass and we're starting it off with the Valentines' battle pass! You can access the new battle pass with either the commands ::bp/::battlepass or via your journal tab!

[Image: 9W3bp7x.png]

This will bring up the new battle pass interface, so let's break it down:

[Image: bbOz9xC.png]

On the top you'll see your battle pass level and experience; experience is gained by completing dailies and weeklies (as well as a little from voting), so just play the game as you normally do! Think of it as an added reward from simply playing the game as you would. You'll see that the current season ends on March 31st, 2024; this means that you will not be able to claim loot or gain experience for this particular pass after this date! I've ensured that the experience gains are sufficient enough to be able to get all levels by that date without having to grind away, so don't worry. We'll be taking feedback to see if we need to adjust experience throughout. 

On the upper right you'll see that you can claim loot - this will claim all battle pass loot for the levels you've achieved thus far; sending it straight to your bank (or inventory for UIMs). You can also view your dailies and weeklies in this new handy interface!

[Image: PDl4HWz.png]

[Image: PeTVrFO.png]

Finally, in the bottom you'll see rewards for both the free and premium pass - yes, all players can get rewards! Unique rewards include:

Valentine's cape - a fire cape reskin for valentine's! This is rewarded from completing the free battle pass.

[Image: rAx6G7y.png]

Pink partyhat - a festive new partyhat recolor - rewarded from purchasing the premium battle pass.

[Image: xDPXDAZ.png]

Valentino - a new pet valentine's impling! Valentino can be leveled up to 3, and changes the ruby bolt spec to heal rather than damage you! The heal is more potent depending on pet level - 1 Valentino is obtained through the free battle pass and 2 from the premium.

[Image: g0t1Icn.png]

Sword of hearts - A sword that provides great offensive stats with a nice bow on top! Obtained from the premium battle pass.

[Image: w6AmaOK.png]

Sword of hearts (i) - An enchantment to the original sword of hearts, granting it extra firepower as well as a passive effect; a 10% chance against NPCs to drain its attack and strength by 5%, stacking up to 10 times! Obtained from the premium battle pass as a recipe.

[Image: HRWxbce.png]

Additionally, you'll see mystery caches, bonds, and loads more items scattered throughout the battle pass!

Fragment of Seren

[Image: 9suM1Ee.png]

Carefully watching over donator island through its lifecycle, the Fragment of Seren ensures the people of the island are not truly free to roam. Dare to disturb its rest and you'll be rewarded handsomely.

The Fragment of Seren is a new donator boss accessed via the Rebel Scout NPC in donator island! Boasting 1250 HP and a rather weak ranged attack, it should be fairy easy to kill for most mid-high level donators wishing to get some extra daily loot. You will only be able to receive rewards from Seren once per day, but you may challenge it as many times as you wish until you win! This is a SAFE encounter. You must be a ruby donator tier or higher to fight this boss.

New drops include:

Fragmented lamps - Rub to receive experience in a skill of your choice.
Skilling supply box - Open to receive skilling loot in a skill of your choice.
Well of Goodwill token - Acts as 25m coins to the well of goodwill.
Weekly reset ticket - Reset your weeklies with this, but only if you haven't done any weeklies this week yet.

You will receive rolls on the drop table depending on your donator rank as well! Double drop rate will not affect this boss encounter.

Ruby - 1 roll
Diamond - 2 rolls
Dragonstone - 3 rolls
Onyx - 4 rolls
Ethereal - 5 rolls
Arzinian - 7 rolls

Valentines' Implings

Valentines' implings have returned! Refer to the previous event for more info

The basic gist is that valentines' implings may spawn while skilling or PvMing, which you can interact with to receive a Valentines' mystery cache! You can receive cosmetic rewards as well as some powerful weaponry and armor from it, so view the old update post for full details!

Quality of Life Changes

- Wilderness pets have been buffed;
Callisto pet now gives a 10% accuracy and damage boost per level against NPCs while using crush weaponry, Venenatis pet now gives a 15% boost to blood money upon player kill, Vet'ion pet now gives a whopping 7x prayer experience when using the wilderness chaos altar, and Scorpia pet now doubles ALL larran's key drops.

- A Runelite overlay for extreme aura activation has been added.

- The completionist cape requirements for Extreme mode players have been updated - you now only need level 110 in each skill to receive one. 120s are still required for the 120 capes though.

- Extreme capes should now count as a 120 cape if the player has 120 in the respective skill.

- Thanks to the work of Remington, the !lvl command for the Runelite chat commands plugin should now correctly work!

In other news:
- Adjusted the rate of bracelets of ethereum from revenants.
- Hopefully fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare's grasping claws attack to cause some server lag.
- Ethereum sent straight to the bracelet of ethereum should now correctly be logged in a player's collection log.
- Fixed a bug where using the dialogue to sacrifice your fire cape into the inferno would not give access to the inferno.
- You can now receive noted planks from donator zone trees if you have a noted resources buff currently running.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong ID for babydragon bones were being used.

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