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  6/8/2024: Return of the beach event, Summer battle pass, more!
Posted by: Ene - 06-08-2024, 11:30 PM - Forum: Server Updates - No Replies

Hey Etherealians,

Today's update brings back Skippy's Beach Party, along with a new battle pass and a new weapon to the summer event!

Summer Battle Pass

The new Summer battle pass contains some new goodies for y'all to play with - this time magic oriented!

Sunscreen (perk): Grants resistance to dragonfire when activated. Obtained from the premium Summer battle pass.

Elemental circlet: Grants a 10% increase to damage and accuracy when casting elemental spells, as well as granting decent stats in the helmet slot for magic. Obtained from completing the normal Summer battle pass.

[Image: npkyGXV.png]

Beach umbrella: A fairy low-hitting magic mainhand, with a built-in spell. Grants faster attacks when paired with the Beach ball in the off-hand slot.

[Image: jfa1cfI.png]

Beach ball: A magic offhand that grants decent offensive magic stats as well as granting the passive bonus of the beach umbrella when conjoined. Both are obtained from the premium Summer battle pass.

[Image: WprvYSy.png]

Alchecrab: A new pet from the battle pass, allows you to submit up to 1k of one item into it - in which it will auto-alch them over the next 12 hours. Upon reaching 12 hours, you will receive gold equal to its high alchemy value with some modifiers; 5%/15%/25% increased gold based on your pet level, as well as stacking with Alchemaniac if activated. Obtained from both the normal and the premium Summer battle pass.

[Image: 6HKfh2t.png]

Skippy's Beach Party

Skippy's beach party is back, and with a new reward to boot! You can read the full details here: https://ethereal-ps.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=535

The new weapon from Skippy's shop is the new Beach sandy 2h sword, which is a longsword-speed hitting weapon that has a unique special attack - Pocket sand - consuming 25% of your max hitpoints to deal a hit with 50% increased damage and accuracy with a slight delay - perfect for comboing hits!

[Image: s4M5Jts.png]

Important Balance Change

Due to recent feedback on the extremely powerful Berserker's frenzy perk, we have decided to try this adjustment to tone down the power level it brings to the game:

Berserker's frenzy will have a 1 minute 15 second cooldown when procced.

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  4/11/2024: Spring battle pass, Spring event 2024, more!
Posted by: Ene - 04-10-2024, 08:54 PM - Forum: Server Updates - No Replies

Hey Etherealians,

Today's update brings the new Spring battle pass, active from now until May 31st, 2024! Get your grinding for some new exclusive rewards in both the free and premium passes!

Spring Battle Pass
The spring battle pass is now live, accessible via ::bp or in the journal tab! We have some cool new exclusive rewards for both tiers of the battle pass:
[Image: HH9zciw.png]
Eastfloor spade - Slightly upgraded stats from the Abyssal dagger, also acts as a spade for digging (but not for Farming). Grants a 10% chance to obtain double caskets when equipped or in inventory when completing a clue scroll. Obtained from completing the normal battle pass.
[Image: acHCoxr.png]
Always Fertile (perk) - All patches will be treated automatically with supercompost when a seed/sapling is planted, granting 50 base experience (scaling with xp mode). Obtained at the initial level of the premium battle pass.
[Image: zVXUFxi.png]
Frolicking bow - A new fast bow that shoots twice per shot! The ranged strength is quite low, but hitting twice will definitely pack a punch. Can imbue as well later in the premium battle pass!
[Image: K8RmmPp.png]
[Image: qBFZIXK.png]
Bloodthirsty fox pet - Obtained through the normal and premium battle pass, this pet will passively grant Agility and Hunter experience when set out.
Spring Event
The Freaky forester is back at the home area, and this time he needs help saving his pheasants from more than just Engorged evil rabbits! Bloodthirsty foxes have arrived and they definitely don't like his pheasants - or you, either. Slay them and receive a chance for the new Fox soul and Fox tail weapon and shield respectively - don't be fooled by their appearance though, equipping the soul will transform your attacks into a strong, powerful bite - and when the tail is equipped at the same time, your damage will be boosted by 10%!
[Image: hZzbIG8.jpeg]
[Image: 2YsFSTo.png]
[Image: wZfwA9g.png]
Carrot tokens can still be obtained through normal means from killing rabbits or foxes; you can trade these at the Freaky forester for previous event rewards such as the Easter scythe, Spring cape, and others.

Spring Donation Promotion
The store has been updated to include our latest donation promotion - a $100 bundle containing the new battle pass with a $100 bond! Great value when you factor in the bonds from the pass as well!
[Image: B0c63i6.png]
In other news:
Fixed an issue where old event tasks would still show up.
- Added the remaining clue collection log items to the shop.
- Korasi's sword should now have a placeholder.
- Thanks to the help of Remington, the new user experience in the login screen has been improved.

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  3/22/2024: A new boss - TzekHaar-Jad!
Posted by: Ene - 03-23-2024, 02:41 AM - Forum: Server Updates - No Replies

Hey Etherealians,

Today's update brings a new group boss in the style similar to Corporeal Beast - TzekHaar-Jad!


TzekHaar-Jad can be found in its lair (very similar looking to the Inferno...I wonder why...). It has some familiar but also new, unique mechanics to watch out for! I won't spoil much about it right now, but it does have the typical Jad stomp and magic attacks - so make sure you get your Prayer ready!
[Image: klOIN5a.png]
You'll probably be looking mostly for the rewards though...so the looting system has largely been borrowed from OSRS's Nex fight - that is, every participating player will receive loot! However, if a rare loot is rolled (1/75), only one can be pooled across all players participating; the MVP of the fight (the killer that does the most damage) will have a 10% extra chance at receiving the rare drop than others. Rare drops include:
TzekHaar stone - Can be used on a piece of Obsidian armour to imbue it, granting it extra strength, defence, and strength - as well as a new magic attack stack to make it hybrid! The passive bonus of dealing 10% extra damage and accuracy to your target, as long as the set is equipped is retained; but you don't need to use obsidian weaponry for it!
[Image: pwFYgr5.png]
Ek-ZekKil - A new 2 handed melee weapon that has a new passive - Inferno - which totally isn't the soulreaper axe btw but each hit gives one Inferno stack by dealing 8 damage to yourself and increases your damage by 6% against your target per Inferno stack. This can stack up to 5 times, and will persist as long as the soulreap-I mean Ek-ZekKil is equipped and you are in combat within 10 ticks of receiving your last stack.
[Image: hFy0xxw.png]
Event Updates
Spring is coming soon, and something seems to be coming to Ethereal - you have until April 1st, 2024 to finish any leftover Halloween and Christmas event stuff!
In other news:
- Zulrah's been mostly fixed and should now drop scales, not always be jad form if the invocation is not enabled, and should be a LOT closer to OSRS now. A balance change with this also includes the fact that if the invocation "Bulkier Snake" is enabled, Slayer task related effects will not work.
- Clue scrolls from Goblins and H.A.M. members have dramatically had their drop rates increased.
The Corporeal beast damage cap has been removed.
- Fixed an issue where The Nightmare dropped the wrong ID of Dragon javelins.
- The chance to spawn a mimic from clue scrolls have been adjusted. Easy is now: 1/500 -> 1/150, Medium: 1/250 -> 1/100, Hard: 1/100 -> 1/50, Elite: 1/50 -> 1/30, Master and Legendary remains unchanged at 1/15 and 1/5 respectively.
- GWD killcount is no longer required during an ongoing GWD mass.
- Fixed a bug where players would get Defence experience when completing a daily task.
- The Dinh's bulwark special attack has been added.
- Added some missing placeholders for the Dragonfire shield and its variants.
- Added full functionality for adding individual bank fillers.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Monkey archer pet to be stronger than intended.
- Double-hit perks will no longer proc off the Santa's gift-wrapper.
- Fixed a bug where the battle pass would award the player with title changes but not the physical item.
- The golden bowstring should now properly string bows faster than normal.
- Fixed an issue where effects regarding ice spells would not properly apply.

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  2/13/2024: Valentine's event rerun, Valentine's battle pass, Fragment of Seren, more!
Posted by: Ene - 02-14-2024, 12:09 AM - Forum: Server Updates - No Replies

Hey Etherealians,

Today's update brings a few new things and some needed QoL and bugfixes; the most important ones being the new battle pass system and a new donator boss, the Fragment of Seren! Let's dive right in!

Battle Pass - Valentines' Season

We finally have a battle pass and we're starting it off with the Valentines' battle pass! You can access the new battle pass with either the commands ::bp/::battlepass or via your journal tab!

[Image: 9W3bp7x.png]

This will bring up the new battle pass interface, so let's break it down:

[Image: bbOz9xC.png]

On the top you'll see your battle pass level and experience; experience is gained by completing dailies and weeklies (as well as a little from voting), so just play the game as you normally do! Think of it as an added reward from simply playing the game as you would. You'll see that the current season ends on March 31st, 2024; this means that you will not be able to claim loot or gain experience for this particular pass after this date! I've ensured that the experience gains are sufficient enough to be able to get all levels by that date without having to grind away, so don't worry. We'll be taking feedback to see if we need to adjust experience throughout. 

On the upper right you'll see that you can claim loot - this will claim all battle pass loot for the levels you've achieved thus far; sending it straight to your bank (or inventory for UIMs). You can also view your dailies and weeklies in this new handy interface!

[Image: PDl4HWz.png]

[Image: PeTVrFO.png]

Finally, in the bottom you'll see rewards for both the free and premium pass - yes, all players can get rewards! Unique rewards include:

Valentine's cape - a fire cape reskin for valentine's! This is rewarded from completing the free battle pass.

[Image: rAx6G7y.png]

Pink partyhat - a festive new partyhat recolor - rewarded from purchasing the premium battle pass.

[Image: xDPXDAZ.png]

Valentino - a new pet valentine's impling! Valentino can be leveled up to 3, and changes the ruby bolt spec to heal rather than damage you! The heal is more potent depending on pet level - 1 Valentino is obtained through the free battle pass and 2 from the premium.

[Image: g0t1Icn.png]

Sword of hearts - A sword that provides great offensive stats with a nice bow on top! Obtained from the premium battle pass.

[Image: w6AmaOK.png]

Sword of hearts (i) - An enchantment to the original sword of hearts, granting it extra firepower as well as a passive effect; a 10% chance against NPCs to drain its attack and strength by 5%, stacking up to 10 times! Obtained from the premium battle pass as a recipe.

[Image: HRWxbce.png]

Additionally, you'll see mystery caches, bonds, and loads more items scattered throughout the battle pass!

Fragment of Seren

[Image: 9suM1Ee.png]

Carefully watching over donator island through its lifecycle, the Fragment of Seren ensures the people of the island are not truly free to roam. Dare to disturb its rest and you'll be rewarded handsomely.

The Fragment of Seren is a new donator boss accessed via the Rebel Scout NPC in donator island! Boasting 1250 HP and a rather weak ranged attack, it should be fairy easy to kill for most mid-high level donators wishing to get some extra daily loot. You will only be able to receive rewards from Seren once per day, but you may challenge it as many times as you wish until you win! This is a SAFE encounter. You must be a ruby donator tier or higher to fight this boss.

New drops include:

Fragmented lamps - Rub to receive experience in a skill of your choice.
Skilling supply box - Open to receive skilling loot in a skill of your choice.
Well of Goodwill token - Acts as 25m coins to the well of goodwill.
Weekly reset ticket - Reset your weeklies with this, but only if you haven't done any weeklies this week yet.

You will receive rolls on the drop table depending on your donator rank as well! Double drop rate will not affect this boss encounter.

Ruby - 1 roll
Diamond - 2 rolls
Dragonstone - 3 rolls
Onyx - 4 rolls
Ethereal - 5 rolls
Arzinian - 7 rolls

Valentines' Implings

Valentines' implings have returned! Refer to the previous event for more infohttps://ethereal-ps.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=413

The basic gist is that valentines' implings may spawn while skilling or PvMing, which you can interact with to receive a Valentines' mystery cache! You can receive cosmetic rewards as well as some powerful weaponry and armor from it, so view the old update post for full details!

Quality of Life Changes

- Wilderness pets have been buffed;
Callisto pet now gives a 10% accuracy and damage boost per level against NPCs while using crush weaponry, Venenatis pet now gives a 15% boost to blood money upon player kill, Vet'ion pet now gives a whopping 7x prayer experience when using the wilderness chaos altar, and Scorpia pet now doubles ALL larran's key drops.

- A Runelite overlay for extreme aura activation has been added.

- The completionist cape requirements for Extreme mode players have been updated - you now only need level 110 in each skill to receive one. 120s are still required for the 120 capes though.

- Extreme capes should now count as a 120 cape if the player has 120 in the respective skill.

- Thanks to the work of Remington, the !lvl command for the Runelite chat commands plugin should now correctly work!

In other news:
- Adjusted the rate of bracelets of ethereum from revenants.
- Hopefully fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare's grasping claws attack to cause some server lag.
- Ethereum sent straight to the bracelet of ethereum should now correctly be logged in a player's collection log.
- Fixed a bug where using the dialogue to sacrifice your fire cape into the inferno would not give access to the inferno.
- You can now receive noted planks from donator zone trees if you have a noted resources buff currently running.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong ID for babydragon bones were being used.

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  12/25/2023: Winter event 2023, drop rate adjustments, more!
Posted by: Ene - 12-25-2023, 08:30 AM - Forum: Server Updates - No Replies

Hey Etherealians,

Today's update brings the 2023 Winter event to the game, with some new toys to play with - as well as some drop rate adjustments to help speed up the mid/late game grinding!

Winter Event 2023

The first of the major updates today is the new 2023 Winter event! You'll notice that our home area has been revamped to give a winter-y feel!

[Image: E8bzX5g.jpg]

Interacting with the Christmas tree at home opens the new Advent calendar - which should give rewards to players for simply logging in for an hour and voting for the server! Try to collect all 12 rewards, which includes a brand new cosmetic, the Icy santa hat, some other useful rewards, and more!

[Image: RQ0uga7.png]

Diango at home is the host of the new event - teleporting players to the new event area when his snow globe needs filling! You'll notice run energy drains here as well - make sure you try to be lightweight for reasons below - for the new event!

[Image: 1Tij5Tn.png]

When the globe needs filling, you can grab snowy knights from the patches here:

[Image: oVPHHtB.png]

The catch is that each patch gives a different color of snowy knight, and the snow globe likes a particular one at a time! So make sure you try to deposit the correct color as much as possible!

[Image: 12EmNYZ.png]

Now for the rewards:

The top 5 players in the event are given more candy cane tokens - the new event currency - than others, with the first place getting the most! They also have a higher chance to get a snow globe specific reward!

Santa's mini-sack - exclusive to participating in the snow globe event, with a higher chance depending on your participation.
[Image: SwidF1X.png]

Icy imp pet - a potential reward from the snow globe event as well, grants a 5% per level accuracy and damage boost when casting ice spells, up to level 3.
[Image: QQNlgw8.png]

Candy cane tokens can also be used to purchase items in the new event shop! 
[Image: cNlfmX2.png]

Candy cane tokens can also be obtained via skilling, PvM, voting, and pest control if you don't want to mainly do the main snow globe! The main unique reward is a recipe for the new Santa's gift-wrapper, a new BiS ballista that has a special effect of guaranteeing your max hit for the first hit against a monster!

[Image: Vy24Jag.png]

Boss Drop Rate Adjustments

I've adjusted some drop rates for some less-desirable bosses due to their high drop rates.

Elite kree'arra and Elite general graardor now drop 3 items at a time instead of 2.
Dagannoth supreme, rex, and prime now drop pets at a 1/250 chance instead of 1/1000.
Cryptic pharaoh has had its unique drop rate increased by 2x.
Xamphur has had its unique drop rates increased by 2x across all invocations.
Night-gazer Khighorahk has had its unique drop rates increased by 1.5x in high invo, and 2x in med/low invos.
In other news:
Pearl fishing rods should now work correctly for anglerfish and kyren fish.

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  12/25/2023: Winter event 2023, drop rate adjustments, more!
Posted by: Ene - 12-25-2023, 08:30 AM - Forum: Server Updates - No Replies

Hey Etherealians,

Today's update brings the 2023 Winter event to the game, with some new toys to play with - as well as some drop rate adjustments to help speed up the mid/late game grinding!

Winter Event 2023

The first of the major updates today is the new 2023 Winter event! You'll notice that our home area has been revamped to give a winter-y feel!

[Image: E8bzX5g.jpg]

Interacting with the Christmas tree at home opens the new Advent calendar - which should give rewards to players for simply logging in for an hour and voting for the server! Try to collect all 12 rewards, which includes a brand new cosmetic, the Icy santa hat, some other useful rewards, and more!

[Image: RQ0uga7.png]

Diango at home is the host of the new event - teleporting players to the new event area when his snow globe needs filling! You'll notice run energy drains here as well - make sure you try to be lightweight for reasons below - for the new event!

[Image: 1Tij5Tn.png]

When the globe needs filling, you can grab snowy knights from the patches here:

[Image: oVPHHtB.png]

The catch is that each patch gives a different color of snowy knight, and the snow globe likes a particular one at a time! So make sure you try to deposit the correct color as much as possible!

[Image: 12EmNYZ.png]

Now for the rewards:

The top 5 players in the event are given more candy cane tokens - the new event currency - than others, with the first place getting the most! They also have a higher chance to get a snow globe specific reward!

Santa's mini-sack - exclusive to participating in the snow globe event, with a higher chance depending on your participation.
[Image: SwidF1X.png]

Icy imp pet - a potential reward from the snow globe event as well, grants a 5% per level accuracy and damage boost when casting ice spells, up to level 3.
[Image: QQNlgw8.png]

Candy cane tokens can also be used to purchase items in the new event shop! 
[Image: cNlfmX2.png]

Candy cane tokens can also be obtained via skilling, PvM, voting, and pest control if you don't want to mainly do the main snow globe! The main unique reward is a recipe for the new Santa's gift-wrapper, a new BiS ballista that has a special effect of guaranteeing your max hit for the first hit against a monster!

[Image: Vy24Jag.png]

Boss Drop Rate Adjustments

I've adjusted some drop rates for some less-desirable bosses due to their high drop rates.

Elite kree'arra and Elite general graardor now drop 3 items at a time instead of 2.
Dagannoth supreme, rex, and prime now drop pets at a 1/250 chance instead of 1/1000.
Cryptic pharaoh has had its unique drop rate increased by 2x.
Xamphur has had its unique drop rates increased by 2x across all invocations.
Night-gazer Khighorahk has had its unique drop rates increased by 1.5x in high invo, and 2x in med/low invos.
In other news:
Pearl fishing rods should now work correctly for anglerfish and kyren fish.

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  12/12/2023: Slayer diary, Mutated slayer creatures, more!
Posted by: Ene - 12-13-2023, 04:10 AM - Forum: Server Updates - No Replies

Hey Etherealians,

Today's update brings a new achievement diary - the Slayer diary! Completing this diary will provide some much-needed benefits and QoL to the Slayer skill!

Slayer Achievement Diary

The Slayer achievement diary can be accessed with all the other achievement diaries in the achievement interface. Completing each tier grants the following rewards:

Easy: Slayer tasks will award 5 more slayer points per task.
Medium: Coin pouches upon completing slayer tasks will be doubled.
Hard: A new type of superior - mutated slayer creatures (shown below) - will have a 1/100 chance of spawning upon a successful slayer task kill.
Elite: Slayer supply drops from slayer task monsters will be doubled.

Finally, upon completing the entire diary you'll be rewarded with a Slayer master's bracelet recipe, allowing you to create the new BiS slayer bracelet! This bracelet will provide great all-around stats, provide the benefits of both the Bracelet of slaughter and Expeditious bracelet when toggled, as well as a 5% damage and accuracy increase to your Slayer target.

[Image: FizQRCV.png]

Other rewards from completing the diary include:

Golden mask and Golden slayer helmet (i) - Cosmetic recolors of their originals. The slayer helmet (i) can be obtained by combining the Golden mask with an imbued slayer helmet.

[Image: FNHd647.png]

[Image: s4swAwI.png]

Slayer equalizer (perk) - Increases the minimum damage against your Slayer target by 3% of your max hit per perk level as long as the hit was successful.
Mutated slayer creatures

[Image: Qycb1ug.png]

Upon completing the hard tasks of the Slayer diary, there will be a 1/100 chance to spawn a Mutated slayer superior. These creatures are pushovers to kill, but boast a pretty decent amount of health and provide great Slayer experience, as well as 3 rolls in a nice supply drop table! There is also a 1/150 chance per kill to receive a Berserker icon (from mutated jellies), Archers icon (from mutated slimes), and Seers icon (from mutated killerwatts), which can be combined with 3 berserker rings, 3 archer rings, and 3 seers rings respectively to create 3 new rings - the Ultor ring, venator ring, and magus ring! These rings are buffed compared to their OSRS counterparts.

[Image: 5ntTjCD.png]

[Image: kMRGAAV.png]

[Image: maQIYrq.png]

In addition, there is a 1/100 chance per kill to receive a perk scroll for the new Engorged hearts perk, which increases the stat boosts from imbued hearts and its variants by +3 and reduces its cooldown by 2 minutes.

Elite GWD Improvements

The elite godwars bosses have gained some supplies from their normal counterparts, and will now drop items from their original bosses! This means you can now receive bandos pieces, armadyl pieces, etc. from their elite counterparts!

Additionally, the drop rate of godsword hilts have been increased to help y'all fill up your logs faster.
In other news:
- The KQ head drop rate has been increased.
- Fixed a bug where using a donator rank transfer scroll would freeze a character if they transferred all of their rank.
- Changed the delay between eating the bottomless pile of candy to be treated as a potion instead.
- You can now combine the max cape and an extreme cape (t5) to create an extreme max cape.
Checking a seed pack now gives you an option to bank all of the seeds in the pack.
- Increased the grace time between successfully claimed votes to 36 hours rather than 24 to extend your vote streak.
- Fixed a text bug when handing in marks of grace as an Extreme player.
- Extreme players now have a 50% DDR cap instead of 40% at t3 and above.

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  Jolteon's in-dept achievements guide (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Posted by: Jolteon - 12-08-2023, 03:33 AM - Forum: Guides - No Replies

Sup ladies and gents, I will try to make a step by step guide for every achievements in the game. The goal of this game is to inform everyone about the best ways to complete the whole achievements list!

After this guide is completed, I will release a 250pts guide for all extreme players trying to get their cape upgrade the fastest!

This might be under construction for a while so please be patient. If you want to help, let me know in-game: Gimurshifu

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  11/14/2023: A (late) Fall event, Vote interface, more!
Posted by: Ene - 11-14-2023, 06:58 AM - Forum: Server Updates - Replies (1)

Hey Etherealians,

Today's update brings a new event - that will hopefully run through Christmas as well! (We have an event stored for that too, so don't worry!)

A (pretty late) Fall Event

Y'all will notice a new area to the northeast of the home bank! Our beloved Killer, the main event host for the Halloween event has lost all of his bats again, and he knows it's due to the mysterious island that's popped up!

[Image: dDz8dsY.jpg]

You'll see a bunch of new amenities in this island, namely two new monsters: Halloweenies and Pumpkabats. These are very easy NPCs to kill as long as you have Prayer; they have guaranteed drops of our new event currency, Bat token (2023), as well as two new uniques!

Bat necklace: A new ranged necklace, offering more Ranged accuracy than the Necklace of anguish but a little bit less ranged strength.

[Image: 4d2RFwV.png]

Skeletal nunchaku: A new pair of nunchaku that has a unique effect of hitting twice! It's got great accuracy but low strength.
[Image: bYbT5V8.png]

These have a flat drop rate of 1/517 from the new monsters, so get to grindin'!

These monsters also have a chance of dropping the new Fall mystery cache, that has a load of Halloween-related cosmetics and the new exclusive Fall h'ween mask, which is only obtainable through this event! You'll also see a recipe as a result of the new chest, that creates the new Terrifying charm, a new pocket slot item that provides great all-around stats.

[Image: lL5p00k.png]

Over to the northeast section of the island has two new AFK skilling nodes, the Large pile of candy (Herblore, Agility, and Thieving nodes) and the Unusually colored tree (Woodcutting, Crafting, and Firemaking nodes). Killer also resides here to give you access to the old Halloween event shop as well as the new one! The new bat tokens can be spent on the new Witch set, providing great offensive Magic bonuses and has a passive effect of a 20% accuracy and damage increase when using powered staves!

The Bottomless pile of candy is obtainable from the Large pile of candy skilling node at a rate of 1/2500 actions. This functions as an unlimited supply of Purple Sweets, healing you for 1-3 HP per interaction and never depletes.
[Image: Oi9v8Sm.png]

[Image: ovnsYNs.png]

Finally, a new event can appear every 3 hours - the Pumpkin totem! This event works a bit differently from our past event bosses - a pumpkin totem will spawn in the middle of the event area and can only be damaged by a designated event weapon; for example, it may say it can only be damaged by shortbows, so make sure you only use weapons that work as shortbows (preferably one that has shortbow in its name because I can't account for all)! The top 5 damage dealers will receive a fall event chest in addition to guaranteed bat tokens, as well as the #1 dealer will receive two chests! All players have a chance to receive a new Jack-o-lantern pet as well for participating!

[Image: vmceNET.png]

Voting QoL

A new voting interface has been added, showing the player's current streak and potential streak rewards! It also shows when the player can next extend their streak so they don't happen to claim too early, as well as an option to claim their vote buff so the player can ensure they are out of any interface-closing activities before they claim their buff.

[Image: YgOIwfC.png]

In other news:
- Fixed an issue where the wrong text was displayed when completing a weekly/daily at the max Extreme cape rank.
- Fixed an issue with a Wilderness scroll placeholder.
- Added extreme capes to Mac's skillcape shop.
- Fixed a bug where ultimate ironmen would not receive a skillcape.
- Fixed a bug where the Veteran/Extreme title will be applied to a player on another game mode.
- The golden ticket event should automatically end after 2 hours.
- Fixed a bug where collection log kills would not show properly after the addition of Night-gazer.

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  10/23/2023: Wilderness reward addition, upcoming Extreme mode, more!
Posted by: Ene - 10-24-2023, 04:43 AM - Forum: Server Updates - No Replies

Hey Etherealians,

This is a preliminary patch notes for the upcoming Tuesday, October 24th update, which is when Extreme mode will officially launch. All the other updates will come today.

Extreme Mode

This update will bring the new game mode, Extreme mode! You can select this in our new starter selection screen by choosing the 2.5x experience multiplier. 

[Image: 72X1ylu.png]

Note that once you have chosen Extreme mode, you cannot go to a different game mode! This is due to all the unique challenges and rewards associated w/ extreme accounts. You'll also notice this new starter selection screen shows your starter items!

[Image: tXm8RKG.png]

So what's special about extreme mode? First off, you'll notice you receive an Extreme cape (t1) at the start. You can access teleports that are typically reserved to the max cape by clicking the "Teleports" option, or see some extreme features by selecting that option! The extreme features opens up a new interface, the first tab being cape upgrading:

[Image: ia5cIkl.png]

Cape upgrading - You'll notice your cape only starts at tier 1 to start - but your cape can be upgraded all the way to tier 5! This is done by reaching a certain total level and fulfilling all the challenges that the tier brings you.

[Image: ia5cIkl.png]

Each tier brings a certain amount of benefits! These benefits will be permanently active in your account regardless  The benefits are as follows: 

Tier 2:
- You have a 5% chance to deal 2x damage outside of PvP situations.
- 20% chance to automatically note a gathered resource.

Tier 3:
- You can store a pet soul in your extreme cape.
- Resetting your active relic set effect is now free.

Tier 4:
- Summoned thralls will last twice as long.
- You will have 10% increased accuracy outside of PvP situations.

Tier 5:
- You will receive 50% more daily and weekly points.
- You will have a 10% chance to triple a NPC drop.

Clicking the upgrade button when not having fulfilled all the criteria will simply give you another cape of your current tier if you have lost it.

Pet aura - Upon reaching tier 3 of your extreme cape, you'll have access to the pet aura tab! This allows you to store a pet with a pet effect of your choosing, so you can permanently have a pet effect alongside another! This will not consume your pet, but note that having two of the same pet (having it stored and having it out) will not stack.

[Image: XesXClZ.png]

Extreme aura - The strongest aura we got, exclusive to extreme players! Extreme players can activate this aura every 12 hours to gain the following benefits:

[Image: vuNZPAL.png]

We'll also be running a competition for extreme players upon release, which is the following:
Small Rewards ($10 Bond Reward)
First 5 Players to Receive a Pet (Pet Certificate not included) (5x Rewards)
First 5 Players to Successfully Craft a Recipe (5x Rewards)
First Announced Abyssal Whip Drop
First Player to Kill All 4 Regular GWD Bosses
Medium Rewards ($25 Bond Reward)
First 99 in Any Skill
First Player to Complete Both a CoX and ToB
First Player to Reach 200 Achievement Points
First Player to complete a pair of Cerberus boots
First Player to unlock golden tools valued at 1000+
Large Rewards ($50 Bond Reward)
First Player to have 7x Skilling 99's
First Player to Max Combat (126 Combat)
First Player to Complete a GWD Collection Log
First Player to Obtain Ring of Resource
First Player to Obtain an Infernal Cape
GROUP IRON MAN CHALLENGES - Each nember will receive award
Small Rewards ($10 Bond Reward)
First Team to receive 3x Skilling Pets
First team to Succesfully craft 3 recipes
First Team to receive an abyssal whip & Trident drop
First Team to Kill All 4 Regular GWD Bosses
Medium Rewards ($25 Bond Reward)
First 99 in Any Skill (x by number of players in team)
First Team to Complete Both a CoX and ToB
First Team to Reach 200 Achievement Points (x by number of players in team)
First Team to finish all 3 Cerberus boots
First Team to unlock Golden Tools valued at 1000 (x by number of players in team)
Large Rewards ($50 Bond Reward)
First Team to have 4 99's (x by number of players in team)
First Team to Max Combat (126 Combat)
First Team to Complete a GWD Collection Log
First Team to Obtain Ring of Resource
First Team to an Infernal Cape

Wilderness Reward Additions

Justine's tournament shop has been updated, granting some new additions to entice players to get more tournament points! 

[Image: co0ahCQ.png]

The new rewards are as follows:

Wilderness buff scroll - 15 tournament points - Grants the following buffs in the Wilderness for 1 hour: 
- 25% bonus blood money upon player kills
- 10% bonus damage and accuracy against your slayer target in the Wilderness
- 25% bonus experience when skilling in the Wilderness
- 2x slayer points from Wilderness slayer tasks

Blighted ancient fire and blood spell sacks - 5 tournament points for 100 sacks - Same as all the other blighted sacks but for those spells

Alch-in-a-bag - 100 tournament points - Can use to cast high level alchemy on an item for free, grants 10% extra gold from high alchemy

Ferox tome - 150 tournament points - Grants moderate magic stats as an offhand and can be used to swap spellbooks from the shield slot.

[Image: jB6LP1f.png]

QoL Changes and new Donator Benefits

- Dying as a regular player in safe situations will now have you retain all of your items/equipment as normal. Only ultimate ironmen will have their items put in the death storage for a secondary storage.

- Opening up the teleport menu now automatically opens up the search bar as well in case you'd rather search your teleport.

- You are no longer required to be on a Slayer task to fight Xamphur and the Cryptic pharaoh.

- Blood money multiplier for donators are now the following: Same from Sapphire-Diamond, 1.75x for Dragonstone, 2x for Onyx, 2.5x for Ethereal, 3x for Arzinian.
- Ethereal rank donators will now be able to select their Slayer task.

[Image: 7PR3hW4.png]

- Donators now have a set chance for a potion dose or a food piece to not be consumed. The rates are: 10% for Dragonstone, 15% for Onyx, 20% for Ethereal, and 25% for Arzinian.

- Enhanced crystal key drop rates from Slayer for donators are now: 1/225 for Sapphire, 1/200 for Emerald, 1/175 for Ruby, 1/150 for Diamond, 1/100 for Dragonstone, 1/75 for Onyx, 1/60 for Ethereal, and 1/50 for Arzinian.

- Plants will no longer be diseased for players Ruby tier and up.

- Players can now trade bonds to ironmen.

- Casting humidify on seedlings will automatically turn them into saplings.

- The donator fountain will now always give one PvM and one skilling buff.

More Set Effects

We've noticed some sets might need some more set effects, so we've started with the Torva set - when using melee against NPCs, there is a 5% chance to randomly proc a godsword special attack from one of the four base godswords!

In other news:
- Well of Goodwill/vote boss/The Seventh will no longer reset when the server restarts.
- Added one more tick of delay to Vorkath's fireball attack.
- Fixed some text issues with the Well of Goodwill to accurately reflect the pricing.
- You can link your Discord account to your Ethereal character on Discord for features like self-kicking.- Doubling money perk will now work at Xamphur and the Night-gazer.
- Blood money upon killing players has been increased.
- Fixed a bug where killing NPCs that are your Slayer task but not in the Wilderness in a wilderness slayer task would still grant slayer-related buffs.
- Fixed an issue where the holy scythe of vitur was not retaining its charges correctly.
- The abyssal ward, malediction ward, odium ward, and dragonfire wards will now count as a shield for relic effects.
- The Thammaron's sceptre will now save autocast correctly.
- Ultimate ironmen should now be able to grab items from the Death storage past slot 50.
- Fixed a bug where noted mahogany logs would not be accepted at a player's gilded fountain.
- Added gilded d'hide vambraces to the elite treasure trail storage.
- Mining clay in the desert quarry should now count for a certain Desert task.

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